Yoga Guru Sri Tat Wale Baba - Rishi of the Himalayas, about age 40, enjoyed long walks.
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Vincent J. Daczynski

Chapter 1 (cont.)

The Early Years

Yoga Guru Sri Tat Wale Baba - Rishi of the Himalayas, about age 60
Sri Tat Wale Baba, about age 60, enjoyed long periods of meditation.

The cave was ideal for Tat Wale Baba. It had only a tiny opening which was barely visible from the passing trail. If the opening was sealed from within by a rock the cave was secluded completely. The cave was also conveniently located near a fresh water spring. And, its location of about one kilometer from Swargashram made it easy for Tat Wale Baba to go there to obtain his food supply. However, after some time, Tat Wale Baba felt that the daily trips to the ashram for food were too disturbing for him. So, he decided to forage for food in the ambient forest where he found kandamulo leaves and roots, and fruits to sustain him. He foraged for food only occasionally, gathering a sufficient supply to last him for several days at a time. He ate sparingly during these secluded periods of long silence. Tat Wale Baba's regular schedule of meditating was from 2:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. From 10:00 a.m. until noon he would eat and rest. Then, from noon until 4:00 p.m. he would again meditate. He would exercise for about two hours, until 6:00 p.m. For exercise he usually took long walks of about ten kilometers, collected firewood, and worked hard at expanding the dimensions of his cave. He only did a few asanas (yoga postures). Instead, he preferred to meditate.